Fleas control company in Jeddah

Fleas control company in Jeddah

Fleas Control Company in Jeddah Fleas are one of the most common parasites among fur animals such as dogs and cats, and there are nearly 2,000 species of fleas around the world, and their effect does not stop only on animals, but extends to humans as well and causes them to have a strong feeling of itching. There are four fleas The main stages in its life cycle are the egg, larva, pupa or pupa and then the adult. The total flea life cycle can range from two weeks to several months, depending on environmental conditions.

But is there a way that works well to get rid of these harmful parasites? The answer is that there is no single method or insecticide that will permanently eliminate the problem of fleas or at least control it, and you may have to contact a flea control company in Jeddah to help you get rid of them, and it will help you to understand the life cycle of the fleas, which is rather complex, as well as to identify The different stages of the insect in getting rid of it, so continue with us

Fleas damage at home

 Fleas Bites

Fleas Bites

Flea bites result in red spots that often are surrounded by reddened haloes. They are extremely itchy and may cause discomfort.

 Pets Bringing Fleas into the Home

Pets Bringing Fleas into the Home

Pets transfer fleas to the beds and furniture where they sleep, so if you're cuddling with your pet, you may be bringing fleas into your own bedding.

 Fleas Infested Carpets and Furniture

Fleas Infested Carpets and Furniture

Fleas lay up to 50 eggs per day on your pets, and as they move around indoors, the eggs spread, and fleas prefer carpeting and upholstered furniture.

The most common type of fleas

 Fleas bird

Fleas bird

 cat fleas

cat fleas

 Dog fleas

Dog fleas

Fleas control company in Jeddah

Fleas are one of the most common insects, so using a flea control company in Jeddah is essential because the flea can infect cats, dogs, humans, and other mammals and birds. Insects between cats, dogs, and humans. Fleas primarily prefer mammals, where they infect them by about 95%, and can infect birds by 5%. Flea saliva softens or digests the host’s skin to facilitate feeding and feeding, but it contains irritants and pathogens. For an allergy this is the cause of both the scratching itch and other signs that appear with dermatitis.

The best flea control company in Jeddah?

Fleas are small insects that have wings and a flat body with three pairs of legs, which allows them to easily hide in the fur of animals. They are very difficult to detect because they move very quickly by constantly jumping along the animal’s body, but flea control, flea combs and washing the animal’s hair can help you see them more clearly, and individual fleas are difficult to kill manually and usually require treatment by a specialized company In the field of pest control.

What do fleas eat?

Fleas feed on blood and are attracted to any warm object including humans, however they prefer to eat the blood of hairy animals such as dogs, cats, rabbits, mice, rats and raccoons. The eggs shed from the host in the yard, bedding, rugs, or blankets.

Why should fleas be controlled, and are fleas a dangerous insect?

Fleas not only cause discomfort after biting, they may cause some diseases such as the plague, and while there are few cases reported, this rare disease was eradicated in the fourteenth century, In addition, fleas can spread Bacterial typhus, which is transmitted to humans through infected mice, and in pets, fleas act as an intermediate host for the tapeworm, and the saliva of this insect is known to cause dermatitis and Burgassitis laryngitis, a serious disease that affects dogs and cats.

What is the life cycle of fleas?

Fleas undergo a complete metamorphosis and the life cycle consists of several stages, which we will talk about in detail below:


Female fleas lay four to eight eggs after a meal. Unlike the eggs of some other parasites, flea eggs are not sticky and usually fall to the ground once laid. They hatch within a period of one to 12 days and the young larvae emerge.


Flea larvae are approximately 3 to 5.2 mm long, white or semi-transparent, and the larval stage lasts from four to eighteen days, after which the larvae enter the silk cocoon to move to the pupal stage, and the pupal stage is complete within three days, or can It lasts for one year according to the climatic conditions, and flea larvae hatch from the eggs laid by the female flea on the host, then they fall off and as soon as they move away from the animal,

The larvae look for safe places to settle, such as cracks in the floor, in carpets, in pet bedding, or in protected areas under furniture. It often does not survive relative humidity below 45-50 percent or when soil temperatures are above 95 degrees Fahrenheit.


The fleas enter the silken cocoon, until they turn into the adult stage.

adult insects

The adult insect begins to search for food when it emerges from the pupal stage, and the ability of fleas can be observed to jump, and begin to search for a suitable host, and the females begin to lay eggs within 48 hours, and thus the life cycle begins again, and cold environments cause the eggs to die before Hatching as well as humidity below 45 percent kills the larvae, while in the pupal stage the insect turns to adulthood quickly, in the presence of warmth and high humidity.

Flea extermination company How can flea infestation be detected?

  • You should monitor your pet’s behavior as a first step by checking the following:
  • Scratching: If your pet scratches itself excessively, you should check the fur.
    Skin and hair: Animals infested with fleas suffer from burning skin and may lose hair.
    Check your animal periodically: You can check the head and neck area of ​​cats because they are the most targeted by fleas, and dogs can be checked especially from the back.
    Seeing fleas with the naked eye: In some cases, insects can be seen clearly moving between the hairs.
    Flea droppings: If there is red and black droppings on your pet’s skin you should contact your vet immediately to discuss flea treatment options.Flea eggs: Flea eggs shed from the host’s body on floors and can be observed in the yard, above the bed or in the pet’s house as a sign of infestation.

What is the difference between a cat flea and a dog flea?

Cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) differ from dog fleas (Ctenocephalides canis) and are distinguished through the use of a microscope. Despite their name, cat fleas are able to affect dogs and a range of other animals as well as humans, and the majority of problems are due to cat flea infestations, So if your pet is showing symptoms of the flea problem we talked about a while ago, then

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Fleas control company in Jeddah


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