

The Color

Grey, white, silver, green or iridescent blue

The Size

From 4 mm to 10 mm long

The Description

Have three pairs of long legs, a pair of membranous, scaled wings, and halteres attached to the thorax.

If there is one insect that has proven a nuisance to humans, it is definitely a Mosquitoes, you can hear them and feel their pinch, but you cannot see them, they have the ability to carry deadly diseases and transmit them to humans, the mosquito family includes about 41 recognized species, and includes about 3,500 other species, many mosquitoes carry pathogens that affect humans and domestic animals, including malaria, filariasis, encephalitis, yellow fever, and dengue fever. Mosquitoes also may cause allergies, a lot of blood loss when they bite humans.

Mosquitoes identification

Mosquitoes are thin, has long-legged, has two wings that are easily identifiable, they have mouth parts that allow them to absorb fluids, larvae are distinguished from other water insects by the absence of legs, they have a wider chest than the head and abdomen, a pair of respiratory openings, mosquitoes differ in color depending on the species, some of them are pale brown with white bands on their stomachs, some of them have a yellow color, some have bright white markings below their legs, and some have a black color with white stripes in both the body and legs.

Mosquitoes life cycle

Mosquitoes live in humid environments that contain abundant amounts of water, they are necessary for the development of larvae, they are subjected to a complete transformation within the water, adults are winged and able to fly for large trips, only females feed on blood, where they use it to develop eggs But both sexes feed on plant sugar, females feed primarily on the blood of wild animals or poultry,  there are a few of them that specialize in sucking human blood, and in some species blood nutrition is optional.

Females lay eggs on a surface of water and hatch in the larvae in the water. larvae feed on algae and organic debris. Few of them may be predators and may feed on other mosquitoes. Unlike most insects, there is a deceptive stage in the life of mosquitoes, which is called the acrobat, which activates The cocoons swim and breathe through the chest tubes, and the adult insect mates soon after and the life cycle duration varies greatly depending on the species

Mosquitoes habits

Mosquitoes are sensitive insects, they are found in areas with relatively cold air where high humidity, many species live a few meters from the ground, mosquito larvae live in aquatic environments, most of the larvae feed on suspended particles and microorganisms on the surface of the water using their mouth , Amosquitoes larvae get oxygen through the surface of the water and some species get oxygen from the air vessels of aquatic plants and there are some types that rarely come to the surface and get dissolved oxygen from the water.

Mosquitoes food

Both males and females feed on plant fluids, including nectar, honey, fruit juices and plant secretions, while females feed on the blood of live animals. Vertebrates with warm blood are a common source of blood for mosquitoes as well as cold-blooded animals such as snakes and turtles Frogs, frogs, and other insects are known to feed on earthworms. There are some species that are active at night or afterglow while some species are active during daylight hours.

Mosquitoes hiding places in your house?

Many homeowners complain that they can hear mosquitoes spread around your ear, but it is difficult to find them, there is a way to find them just turn on a flashlight when you hear a sound, put the lamp directly on the wall so that the light goes in a straight line across the wall, and if The mosquitos were on the wall, their shadow would be huge, you can wrap the lamp in all directions until you find mosquitoes, you can also leave one small light source like the lamp and wait for the mosquitoes to get close to it as mosquitoes land on the wall near the light source so that you can find and kill them.

Mosquitoes and disease

female mosquitoes absorb blood of  both humans and animals, and they may transmit pathogens that cause disease, pathogens that are transmitted by mosquitoes include viruses, nematodes, helminths, protozoa and malaria, and mosquitoes are the indirect cause of many Mortality between humans, and it also pinches humans, especially from the bare parts of their bodies, it may cause red and inflamed dots, with a strong itching sensation, some people may show strong symptoms of allergy caused by mosquito bites, and in the case of severe injuries Mosquitoes in some homes cause anemia to young people as a result of the constant feeding on their blood and the loss of large quantities of blood.

Getting rid of mosquitoes

mosquitoes are carriers of infectious diseases, preventing them from feeding on humans is a major global health strategy, this can be reduced through using of mosquito repellent, long clothes  which cover arms and legs, placing screens on open doors and windows, using mosquito nets And treatment with insecticides, mosquito infestation can be controlled by eliminating water sources, which provide ideal breeding sites for them, a surface layer of oil can be placed on water to block breathing opportunities for insects on the surface, which kills them,  pesticides may be effective for destroying adult mosquitoes inside, identify the type of mosquitoes and determine the breeding sites And permanent monitoring through removal or management of breeding sites, the application of larvicides, application of insecticides, the Pest Control Company in Jeddah integrates these control programs for comprehensive integrated treating.

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At Orkida Pest Control, we provide you with a comfortable and insect-free home. We also provide you with a safe work environment for you and your family because we always hope to achieve the best and fastest service for you with the least possible risks. Choose the most suitable for you, your family

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