

The Color

Dark brown, grey, or tan.

The Size

From 2.5 cm up to 15 cm long.

The Description

Have one pair of long, thin, very fast legs per body segment. Also have two antennae, flattened bodies and a bristly appearance. The body sometimes has darker strips or markings on the back.

Centipedes (the scientific name is Chilopod) is belonging to a category of arthropods, it has a flat body, many skin appendages that contains large numbers of legs, it is a scary insect, every skin appendage is divided to a pair of legs Some species of Centipede have complex eyes and contain up to 200 optical units, other species do not have eyes, so it follows its prey through touching and smelling, house owner may see Centipede, as useful insect, because it can eat house insects, therefore house owners can decrease number of insects’ problems in their homes.

Centipede prefer water and you may often find it in drains or around water source, it is a very fast insect and their too many legs do not disrupt its movement, it can crawl up to 16 inches per second, it also may rely on back legs, it also has an excellent ability to regain its legs when it lose it.

حشرة الحريشةCentipedes Identification

Centipede has 15 to 177 pairs of legs, its size ranges from 4 to 152 mm, it has a brown or reddish orange color, it also has a long pair of sensing pods, Centipede has claws that contain poison which immobilize their prey such as worms, spiders or small vertebrates.

Centipede life cycle

Centipede lives in wet and dark areas during the winter, females lay eggs in moist places during summer or spring, when Centipede reaches puberty it grows a full set of legs and appendages, Centipede can from one to six years.

How Centipede enters your house?

Centipede searches for a warm place to hide, it may enter your house through doors, cracks, openings, Centipede flat body helps it to pass through small areas, Centipede prefers dark places which has moisture problems, so you may find it on the lower floors and bathrooms Centipede becomes active at night and starts to search for food, Centipede is not a dangerous insect, it also has glands that pump poison to inject and kill its prey, the Centipede jaw is not strong enough to sting human skin, but it may sting human to defend itself causing skin swelling and painful area

Centipede feeding habits

Centipede feeds on small insects like spiders, flies, cockroaches and silver fish, Centipede is not able to see its prey, but it can find it with the help of a sensitive sensing pods, it can live for more than a year.

Centipedes infestation in your home

Centipede does not leave signs of infestation, but seeing Centipede directly at night is a big evidence of infestation.

How serious is Centipede?

Centipede rarely sting humans, but when this happens it may cause mild inflammation, people may consider Centipede a harmless insect because it feeds on insects, it may become a source of nuisance because of its shape, it also leaves spots in crawling areas

How to get rid of the Centipede?

When you discover Centipede at home, you should contact Pest Control Company in Jeddah, to examine your house, experts will examine your house accurately, and put a suitable plan to control Centipede, using chemical or non-chemical treatment, you may also need to follow these steps:

  • Solve moisture problem by fixing leakage and using a dehumidifier.
  • Reduce insects in your house to eliminate Centipede and get rid of insects and spiders.
  • Seal holes, cracks and gaps that allow Centipede to enter your home.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner to eliminate a Centipedes.
  • use insecticides in which Centipede live, like cracks, gaps, floors, or around your home.

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