Boll Weevils

Boll Weevils

The Color

adult Boll weevil is a lazy insect, they may change their colors from light yellow to gray or black within several weeks.

The Size

they may reach to 6 mm or 1/4 inch

The Description

Boll weevils may look like beetles with smaller size and grayish color, they have a long snout which reaches about half of their body’s length, adult Boll weevil have impressing nutritional habits, their amount of food differ from one stage to another, especially during larva stage, ,

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Boll weevils or cotton weevils (Anthonomus grandis), belong to sub order Coleoptera, they are found in fields and green lands, they are attracted to cotton crop, they also cause inconvenience homes that are found near cotton planting areas, Boll weevils appear for the first time in Mexico in nineteenth century, they cause loss up to 50% crops, so when you discover Boll weevil in your home or field, you have to call a professional help such as Pest Control Company in Jeddah, to help you get rid of infestation and to protect your crop and your home.

Boll weevil identification 

Boll weevils may look like beetles with smaller size and grayish color, they have a long snout which reaches about half of their body’s length, adult Boll weevil have impressing nutritional habits, their amount of food differ from one stage to another, especially during larva stage, they may reach to 6 mm or 1/4 inch, adult Boll weevil is a lazy insect, they may change their colors from light yellow to gray or black within several weeks.

Boll weevil feeding habits

Boll weevil feed on cotton plant mainly, and they may eat also the surrounding plants, they can damage cotton buds and flowers.

Boll weevil life cycle 

Boll weevil females can lay between 100 to 300 eggs, they place them on cotton buds or fruits, they lay eggs in sound buds where there is no another laid eggs, but when there is a severe infestation, females may share the same cotton bud, it takes from two to three weeks to reach the adult Boll weevil, larva live inside the cotton seed, so they destroy seeds and also damages the surrounding cotton fibers, larvae and cocoons remain inside cotton bud.

How boll weevils enter homes?

Boll weevil may cause severe damage to cotton crop, as they depend on it for feeding, Boll weevil don’t usually invade homes, they may enter homes through clothes and furniture, they move towards houses near cotton field, cotton weevils don’t remain inside homes for long time.

Boll weevil damage

Boll weevil may cause a lot of damage to homeowners and farmers, they can damage the whole cotton crop, it can also damage fruits and other plants, they may invade homes near agricultural places, they threatens clothes safety, but they don’t threaten human health, landowners must avoid Boll weevil, and use  effective control programs to destroy boll weevils in an early stage, cotton crops must be cleaned and treat the infected seeds, also monitoring of crops may help in early detection and elimination of Boll weevil

Signs of boll weevil infestation

  • Severe damage to cotton crops.
  • Damage to flowers and plants.
  • Seeing adult boll weevils.
  • Seeing adult boll weevils near homes and next to cotton crops
  • Boll weevils cause a severe infestation to your home or to your cotton crops, so you may need to contact our Pest Control Company in Jeddah to eliminate boll weevil, our experts are trained to control Boll weevil infestation and other infestations, also every house may have a different structure and degree of infestation so our company develops a unique plan for your home

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