Formosan Termites

Formosan Termites

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Formosan termites are considered one of the most economically destructive types of termites, it was first discovered in 1909 on the Asian island of Formosa, they also were used as drugs in southern China, Formosan termites moved to Japan before the seventeenth century and to Hawaii in the late nineteenth century, and was reported in South Africa during 1960.

Formosan termite colony

 Formosan termites’ colony consists of several million white termites where other colonies may have several hundreds of thousands of termites, Formosan termites build colonies underground on 300 feet depth in the soil, it may consider as a serious threat to structures and homes if not eliminated early because of its huge numbers.

Formosan termite feeding habits

Formosan termites eat food that contain cellulose, because of larger colony size, Formosan termites attack a larger area wood with a faster rate of destruction, they also reproduce with large capacity and colony size may exceed one million member

Formosan termites identification

Formosan termites live underground, they may build air nests above the ground or inside the structures and may affect buildings and cause potential damage, they are social insects you may find them in 3 shapes:

  • swarmers

swarmers length is about 14-15 mm, including wings, they have pale yellow body or yellow-brown in color, with transparent wings which covered with small hair.

  • Soldiers

They have rounded head and pointed forward, their jaws are free of teeth.

  • workers

Their color ranges from white to light white and difficult to be recognized than other termites.

  Formosan termites identification

  • Mud pipes: that contain Formosan termites if you open them.
  • Seeing swarmers at mating seasons.
  • Seeing  Formosan termites next to the colony.
  • Damaged wood in furniture and structures.
  • Seeing swarmer’s on windows and near light.
  • colonies made of rotten wood, soil, ant saliva, and fecal material which are away from structures and are difficult to find.

Formosan termites Life cycle

When Formosan termites build a new colony, they send winged termites on May until June to search for a suitable place to form a new colony, after flying to 20-50 meters, Formosan termites lose their wings when they find a suitable partner and start a new colony, it takes 3 to 5 years for the colony to be finished, queen lays about 2,000 eggs a day, mature colonies can have a 10 million Formosan termites.

Damage caused by Formosan termites

Formosan termites are responsible for  a fast damage due to large colony area, large Formosan termites number which eat wood and damage fine sheets made of fine metal such as lead or copper, and asphalt, plaster, rubber and plastic.

Formosan termites Control Company in Jeddah

plays an effective role in Formosan termites eradication which is difficult to eliminate due to the huge numbers of termites, and difficulty of finding colony location, our professional can help you and offer the best solution to get rid of the problem, our company will immediately answer all your questions and follow a set of steps to protect your home and property:

Comprehensive examination

our company controls termites by a complete examination to determine degree of infestation and entry points, affected structures and foundations, it also identify moisture problems and other factors contribute in termite attraction.

termites control plan

our company make a control plan, removing damaged wood and other materials that come into contact with floors, address the problem of water leakage and wood moisture, which increases the severity of the problem.

Proper modifications

our company makes many adjustments, removes affected wood, replaces it with new one.

Appropriate treatment method

After completing the previous steps, our company applies a treatment plan that is appropriate to the home infestation and design.

Periodic follow up

After a successful treatment plan, our company conducts a follow up and examination to ensure termites infestation is not repeated again on the future.

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