House Flies

House Flies

The Color

Light grey

The Size

From 4 mm to 7.5 mm long

The Description

Have four black, longitudinal stripes on the thorax, and large, bulbous, multifaceted eyes. Their abdomen is yellow and they have two transparent wings.

House Flies One of the most universal pests that their found associated with humans and farms. It is the most common species of flies that found on hog and domestic animal farms. House fly is the pest that found everywhere around the world. This fly not only a nuisance pest, but it can also transmit many diseases-causing organisms. In this article, we will see the identification, seriousness, diet, life cycle, and how to get rid of this fly by normal, practical and functional solutions.

Identification of House Flies

House flies or true flies, which belong to Diptera family, one of the largest and common group of insects.  They are usually grey; they measure about 4 to 7.5 mm. they have 4 black stripes on their thorax with small hairs that cover all body and serve as taste organs. Their eyes are complex as their lenses allow them a wide-field of vision. They have six legs, a pair of wings, and antenna.

Diet of House Flies

House flies have not teeth, so their food are usually liquid. Their mouths suck liquid like sponge. They depend on their vomiting or spiting to turn any solid food into a liquid to suck up. They feed on any organic or wet matters, but they attracted to animal waste as they its strong odors.

Seriousness of House Flies

These unwelcomed flies are not only nuisance insects, but they are also transmitting many diseases to humans and pets.  House flies can pick up a variety of pathogens like viruses, fungi, and bacteria and contaminating food and water by them. House flies’ infestation can cause many health problems as dysentery, contaminating food, tuberculosis.

Life Cycle of House Flies

Life cycle of a house fly starts with laying eggs. Females of house flies lay their eggs in wet or moist solid. They also favor to deposit their eggs in damp and dark surfaces such as fertilizers, manure and other moldering organic material. Female house fly can lay up to 150 eggs in a batch. During period of a few days, they will produce five or six batches of eggs. Their eggs similar to individual grains of rice.

After a day, their eggs hatch into larvae (maggots) that are legless. They are white in color. Larvae depend on the egg-laying site to feed for three to five days. During this period, larvae shed several times after that they choose a dark place to pupate.

Pupae of house fly resemble butterfly cocoons in their function. Their tough, brown shells protect inactive flies. over a period of three to six days, the pupae develop legs and wings, finally emerging as adults of house flies after their leg and wings developing. Within 2 to 3 days, females house flies are capable of reproduction. The medium life span is less than one month.

Where do House Flies live?

they prefer rest on or live in corners and edges. Inside buildings, they rest on ceilings, floor and walls during all day. Outdoors, they rest on the ground, walls or fence, waste, food waste, wires, etc. during night, they rest on places that near sources of food.

How to Get Rid of House Flies?

House flies form a real nuisance when they are flying around. But they can pick up pathogens that cause and transmit diseases, so it is important to control and get rid of them. House fly control is not easy matter as many people think or as it sounds. There are several steps of house flies control, and or pest company in Jeddah can help you.

  • Keep your cans of garbage clean, and you can use insecticides to get rid of them.
  • Make sure that your doors and windows are closed and repair them from any openings.
  • Use mesh screens in front of any openings I your building.
  • Use the doors with air curtains in places that must be kept open for customers or cars. It will prevent them from entering these places.
  • Keep pet waste away in the yard as flies prefer to lay their eggs in this material as they are moist and organic.
  • Keep your kitchens and restaurants clean and dry as possible. This will limit house fly founding in your home.
  • Get rid of any carcasses that found anywhere in your home.

For more information, you can contact with our pest control company in Jeddah which can help you with its skilled professionals and trained technicians to control and manage these insects.

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