Blow flies

Blow flies

The Color

Metallic green, blue, bronze to black with hints of copper

The Size

From 6 mm to 16 mm long

The Description

Have hairy backs. Their larvae are known as maggots and have smooth, legless, worm-like bodies, white to yellow in colour.

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Blow Flies One of the most common scavengers that found all around the world and have a close relationship with dead animals and people as it is one of the first insects to reach a dead animals and people. Blow fly an insect that active during the warm months of summer. In this article, we will see the identification, life cycle, risk, diet, and how to get rid of these flies.

Identification of Blow fly

Blow flies are found in every place occurring by people. Their names come from bloated condition of mold animal carcasses. They are found near garbage, butchery and meat-processing plants. There are 1200 species of blow flies, 80 species are found in north America. They are larger than house flies. Their bodies are green or metallic-blue in color while their larvae are pale. They are range from 7 mm to 16 mm in color with robust bodies and wide head. Adults have mouth which similar to the parts of sponge while males have feathery hairs on their terminal antennal segments. Their larvae have hook which like mouth parts.

Diet of Blow Flies

Rotting food and decaying meats attract blow flies towards them. Blow fly is considered the first organisms that can reach to dead animals. The meat of animal carcasses is very essential for larval growth and survival. They are also attracted to plants that have smell of rotting meat.

Habitat of Blow Flies

During summer months, you can see blow flies in our homes and companies. They are attracted to structures and buildings by food smell and also cool air flows that exhale through cracks around doors or windows. The sudden emerge of many of these flies refer to the potential of dead animal or bird.

Life Cycle of Blow Flies

Stages of life cycle of blow fly is very important to police as when the police investigate a death, it is considered one of the most pieces of evidence which determining the time someone died. Not only determine the time of crime, but it can also determine the killer person also. Sometimes the police can found body more than 3 days after death.

In this case, the color of the body, body temperature and degree of body stiffness are changed (all usual indicators of time of death are changed). So place of the body will help them to know who kill and when. After few minutes of death, females of blow flies lay their eggs on a dead body. Through the stages of blow fly life, the detectives can determine what they want to know about crime.

The adult flies deposit their eggs in a hole in the dead body such as eyes, wounds, mouth or ears. These places provide food for larvae. Eggs hatch from between 24 to 45 hours after being laid to hatch; they are between 1 to 2 mm long.

When eggs hatch, the larvae emerge which produce an enzyme to break down proteins surrounding them then feed on the resulting material. Larvae enzyme help the body to decompose. When the larvae big enough, the third stage starts.

Pupae of blow fly emerge; they do not feed or move, but they find their way to the ground. They turn from a light brown to a black color. Then, the adult flies emerge, and they can fly after only two hours.

Seriousness of Blow Flies

These insects transmit infections to people through contaminating food and food preparation surfaces. It can also transfer organisms that result diseases especially when they contact with an open wound on people or pest. when they feed, they transmit pathogens that attached to their bodies. They also can spread dysentery, eye infections and other diseases.

How to Get Rid of Blow Flies

Blow flies attract to trash containers or pet manure, and holes or opening that found in doors which are permitting insects to enter homes and businesses. To reduce problems by blow flies, you must throw trash away and put it in plastic bags which minimize odors which associated with garbage and trashes, thus attracting flies to the area.

Put the trash receptacles far from you home. Keep your doors and windows closed or put a tight-fighting in front of it. If there is a dead animal that led to this flies, you should know the place of the dead animal, throw it away and clean the place perfectly. To know much information, you can contact with our Pest control company in Jeddah which can help you with its skilled professionals and trained technicians to control and manage these insects.

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