Grain Beetles

Grain Beetles

The Color

Brown or dark red

The Size

From 2 mm to 3 mm long

The Description

Some species carry six blade-like projections on their body, while others have large, prominent eyes, making the head very pointed.

Grain beetles are considered most common household and kitchens insects, they infect grains and causes severe food damage in homes especially if not discovered in early stages, they also can damage grain stocks, they are responsible for grain losses in factories, grain stores, because Grain beetles prefer to live near food sources, they also multiply in large numbers, which threaten owners and their businesses reputation, we will discuss the most important information about grain beetles and how to get rid of infestation.

Grain beetle identification

Grain beetles are 2-3 mm in length, they have a dark red or brown color, Grain beetles body is divided into six projections in the form of blades, with large and prominent eyes, their head have a pointed appearance.

Where do grain beetles live?

Grain beetles live all over the world, they prefer grain stores, and food factories, home stores, food trucks and food ships, they sneak to this places with the help of their flat bodies that can penetrate holes and gaps in homes and stores.

Grain beetles feeding habits

From their names, Grain beetles feed on grains and stored foods, they also eat oats, wheat, barley, pet dry food, processed foods, oily foods, bran flour, brown rice, processed grains, seeds and dried fruits.

Grain beetles’ life cycle

Grain beetles go through four life stages: eggs, larva, pupa and finally adult Grain beetles, their life cycle starts when female lays eggs near food sources, it is difficult to discover eggs because of their small size, female may lay between 40 – 300 eggs in the year, larva appears within 3 to 10 days according to temperature and humidity, they reach adulthood within two months, adult Grain beetles live 6 to 10 months.

Why Grain beetles enter the homes?

Grain beetle is common in homes because it is attracted to all types of grains or stored food like: flour, oats, wheat, dried fruits, meat, processed foods, dry food for pets, Grain beetles get inside homes through cracks and gaps, they prefer to lay eggs near grain and they need safe places to live and hide such like homes.

How serious are grain beetle?

  • Grains infestation which make grains unsafe for consumption.
  • Seeing grain beetles indicates that there is home infestation which iv very annoying.
  •   Grain beetles damage food and grains by raising grain temperature.
  • Grain beetles are responsible for grain losses in stores.

Signs of Grain beetles’ infestation

It is difficult for homeowners to detect Grain beetles’ infestation by their own due to size of larvae and eggs which is very small, so if you are afraid from Grain beetles infestation in your home, you have to check affected grains temperature, because Grain beetles raise food temperature, you may also discover adult Grain beetles crawling in holes or on surfaces of food and grains.

How to prevent future infestation of Grain beetles?

  • Keep food storage areas clean and disinfected.
  •  Buy small amounts of dried foods, grains and spices to use them within a short period.
  • Get rid of old stored grains before using new ones.
  • Store grains in refrigerator during summer, or place them in sealed containers.
  • Seal holes and cracks in food storage room.
  •  Get rid of infected food.
  • use beetles traps to get rid of Grain beetles.
  • Clean food shelves and food containers.
  •   Do not use pesticides near food to avoid harming your family members.
  • Use baits in cracks in which Grain beetles live.
  • Contract our Pest Control Company in Jeddah  to get rid of Grain beetles in your home.

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