Drugstore Beetles

Drugstore Beetles

The Color

Brown or reddish-brown

The Size

Up to 3.5 mm long

The Description

The drugstore beetle possesses a pair of three-segmented club antennae and deep pits on the wing covers, which give the insect a striated appearance. Drugstore beetles also possess fine hairs running lengthwise along the wing covers

Drugstore Beetles or Stegobium paniceum, have this name because they appear for the first time in the past among herbs that pharmacists used in patients’ treatment, Drugstore beetles live inside the stored foods, therefore kitchens are common places for infestation, especially in presence of food crumbs or spills, Drugstore beetles can also live for weeks without any food, they contaminate food products and may cause health problems because their larvae and faeces which found inside foods.

Drugstore beetles’ identification

Drugstore beetles have 3.5 mm, with brown or reddish brown color, they have a cylindrical shape with a pair of antennae, which is divided into three parts, they have wings with holes, larvae are light in color and have a curved body or c-shape, some people may confuse between Drugstore beetles and cigarette beetle because are similar in color, but Drugstore beetles have a pair of antennae that are divided into three parts with deep holes on the wings, they have a longitudinal striped shape.

Where Drugstore beetles live?

Drugstore beetles prefers living outdoor, in warm areas, they can live in any place with warm weather like stores and grain   or pet food areas or flour storage areas, they are attracted to light so they invade homes.

Drugstore beetles feeding habits

Drugstore beetles eat a variety of foods such as stored grains, seeds, flour, pet food, spices, books, leather, wool, and even drugs, therefore they are named by this name, they can perforate wooden elements, tin, aluminum foil, lead sheets, so it is difficult to protect food from Drugstore beetles because they can penetrate any containers.

Drugstore beetles’ life cycle 

female lays about 100 eggs which are small and white in color and difficult to see, when eggs hatch after 10 days, larvae with a light color and a C-shaped body appear, they remain for 12 to 18 days until adult Drugstore beetles appear.

Why Drugstore beetles enter homes?

Drugstore beetles are attracted to grain stores or pet food stores, bakeries where warmth and food are present, they are attracted to light, grains, seeds, flour, pet food, spices, books, leather, wool, hair, medications, so Drugstore beetles enter your home.

How dangerous is the Drugstore beetles?

  • Drugstore beetles found in food factories or food storage places and destroy food, causing huge financial losses and bad reputation.
  • Drugstore beetles leaves feces may irritate mouth, throat and stomach.
  • Drugstore beetles can damage food and makes it unsuitable for human consumption and cannot be sold.
  • Drugstore beetles can penetrate wood and inorganic materials such as tin, aluminum foil therefore it is difficult to save food.
  • Drugstore beetles are harmful to libraries and museums because they destroy books, paper, statues.
  • Drugstore beetles destroy grains, seeds and food and may cause health problems for homeowners.

Signs of Drugstore beetles’ infestation

  • Seeing adult Drugstore beetles.
  •  Seeing holes on food boxes especially where beetles appear, or where there are food crumbs.
  • When it is difficult to find eggs or larvae, use small flashlight during search to help you.

How to prevent invasion of Drugstore beetles?

  1. Don’t save exposed foods on shelves or without protection.
  2. Store foods in glass jars and close them tightly.
  3. Make sure that shelves, boxes, and storage areas are clean.
  4. Get rid of contaminated food.
  5. use old food first.
  6. Keep food storage areas dry and clean.
  7. When you see signs of infestation, you can heat this items in oven to get rid of Drugstore beetle.
  8. Use insecticides to get rid of Drugstore beetles if Drugstore beetles invade your home or your work, you need an effective elimination of the invasion, to prevent harm to your home or family, so you will need to contract our pest control company in Jeddah which will provide you with a professional service to get rid of Drugstore beetles p, our company experts will develop a unique plan according to degree of infestation in your home.

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