Carpet beetles

Carpet beetles

The Color

Dark brown to black

The Size

From 2 mm to 5 mm long

The Description

All varieties of carpet beetle are oval in shape, with chewing mouthparts, and very short clubbed antennae.

Carpet beetles or fur beetles, or various carpet beetles are one of common types of beetles which invade homes, they prefer open places and live near bird nests or organic materials such as trees or dead animals, they may be attracted to dry pet food, leftovers and high temperature and humidity places like homes,

so they invade human places, most homeowners complain form damaged fabrics and holes in carpets due to carpet beetles, some people may mistake between carpet beetles and carpet mites, therefore we will discuss differences Between both insects, in severe cases you will need professional assistance from our pest control company in Jeddah to help you  in carpet beetles elimination.

Carpet Beetles’ identification

carpet beetles size varies from 2 to 5 mm, they have an oval, short antennae, mouth parts for feeding, they have a dark brown or black color, chest area and rest of body are covered with white or yellow scales, their colors turn into orange or red gradually, until middle of the body, when carpet beetles increase in age, these colors turn into black or dark brown, larvae size varies according to their types, larvae color changes from light brown to dark, short hair covers larvae body.

Carpet beetles’ life cycle 

Carpet beetles go through a complete transformation from four stages: eggs, larvae, pupa and the adult carpet beetles, female lays eggs on food sources such as carpets, fur, wool, spider webs or dead animals, within two weeks they hatch eggs, larvae take two to three months until they turn into pupa, which may take from six months to two years to reach the adult carpet beetles which live two months.

Why carpet beetles invade homes?

Adult carpet beetles prefer open air places as we mentioned before, but they go to homes through plants or flowers, they lay eggs on carpets or fur and wool inside homes, therefore they invade your home or garden.

How serious are carpet beetles?

Carpet beetles damage carpets and make many holes in the fabric or carpets.

Carpet beetles cause skin allergies and skin irritation from their dead skin, especially for people who have chest or skin allergies.

Signs of carpet beetles’ infestation

Carpet beetles’ larvae cause damage to carpets, but the first sign of home infestation is seeing adult carpet beetles near the windows, but Carpet mites can be seen inside fabric or carpet holes Carpet beetles infest one large area of ​​carpets or fabric fibers, but carpet mites cause several and small scattered holes throughout the whole carpet Seeing skin residue of larvae that cause allergies or skin inflammation for some people.

How to prevent carpet beetles from entering homes?

  • Check flowers and plants in your gardens, because adult carpet beetles enter the house through them.
  • Clean carpets and fabrics regularly.
  • Eliminate dead insects and other debris by using clean vacuum.
  • Examine windows and doors, ventilate home and clean home from spider webs or dead insects.
  • Regular cleaning of carpets, curtains and other furniture.
  • Call our professional in Pest Control Company in Jeddah in case of severe infestations.

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