What is the difference between ants and termites?

There are three fundamental differences between ants and termites, difference in appearance, different in behavior, and the difference in feeding habits. Termites are distinguished by a creamy color and straight antennas with wide bodies without a waist, unlike termites, which are characterized by dark brown or black in color, also ant’s body is divided to three parts, and always has a waist.

Termites feed on cellulose, which is found in wood and wooden structures, Ants feed on nectar, seeds, other small insects and food scraps around your homes or in your kitchen.

Termites destroy home foundations and cause massive financial losses, unlike ants that do not feed on foundations and do not cause any structure damage.

At Orkida Pest Control, we provide you with a comfortable and insect-free home. We also provide you with a safe work environment for you and your family because we always hope to achieve the best and fastest service for you with the least possible risks. Choose the most suitable for you, your family

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