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Discover our insect libraryDo you have a painful bite that you can not tell to any particular household insect or is it an external insect We at Orchid share photos of insect bites to help you correctly identify the culprit, and the best way to treat the wound.
Flea bites are seen in groups formed of 3-4 red spots, they may bleed in some cases, you may notice red circles surrounding the red spots, the rash may turn white when you press on it.
Red spots surrounded by red circles. they appear on the legs and feet. Itching sensation.
Fleas bites may appear on legs, ankles, elbows and behind knees, fleas can jump for long distances and they feed on host blood, they may transmit some diseases such as plague, you may need a physician consultation.
Swollen area at bites sites which consists of small red marks with itching sensation.
moderate pain. Allergic reactions, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, anxiety, difficulty breathing, , itching sensation, face and skin swelling.
Some people may have allergic reaction and need medical consultation.
red spot with a black point in the middle, spider head and parts of the mouth may remain on your skin after biting.
rash. redness in the bite area. Itching sensation. burning. fever, headache, weakness, and early signs of Lyme disease
Tick searches for warm body places like skin, scalp, areas covered with hair, bites may cause fever, allergies and Lyme disease that causes fatigue, headache, joints pain, large lymph nodes, heart and nervous system problems, so you have to seek medical help.
Hard, raised, and irritated spots with red dots in the middle of the spot.
solid swollen blisters. red dot in the middle of the blister. Itching sensation It may cause malaria, Zika viruses, or West Nile viruses.
kids may show symptoms of swollen skin and fever.
Swollen area with reddening skin rash, flat or raised red spots causing itching sensation, bites may appear in a line.
Red spots in the size of apple seeds you may notice them in neck, face, arms and hands Burning sensation. Itching Some people may not have symptoms after biting.
some people who got bitten don't show any symptoms for several days, because bed bugs secrete an anesthetic solution in the skin before they bite.
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