With more than 8000 technicians, we are ready to protect your home.
Get a free previewWith more than 8000 technicians, we are ready to protect your home.
Discover our insect libraryستعمل خطة مكافحة الحشرات الخاصة في اوركيدا على مكافحة القراد والآفات الأخرى ، كما أن حلولنا المتقدمة تتكيف مع نشاط الآفات الموسمية لتمنحك حماية على مدار العام بالضمان.
اطلب الخدمة الان
الأمراض المعروفة بانتقالها عن طريق القراد تشمل مرض لايم ، روكي ماونتن الحمى المبقعة ، حمى القراد في كولورادو ، و بابيزيا على سبيل المثال لا الحصر.
قد يحدث داء لايم إذا تُرك دون علاج تنتشر في جميع أنحاء الجسم ، والضحايا قد يعانون من الآفات ، بيل شلل ، وعدم انتظام ضربات القلب ، وأكثر من ذلك.
يمكن أن تصاب الكلاب والقطط بمرض لايم ،ويمكنهم أيضًا حمل القراد المصاب في المنازل أو الساحات ، حيث يمكنهم ذلك ثم يعضون البشر.
Our team will schedule A suitable time to visit your home and examine infestation places carefully. Orkida team will determine pests' location and degree of infestation from the first visit.
Once our experts confirm that you have an infestation, we will design an appropriate treatment plan that includes the safest methods and modern technology to ensure the safety of you and your family members.
Orkida Company is providing you with a 6 Month warranty period to ensure that you no more have a home infestation. In case you notice any insects during the warranty period, our team will visit your home again for total Elimination of the infestation
orkida team will continuously monitor your home infestation and we will answers all of your questions to ensure Actual elimination of your infestation
Our experts wear gloves for hands and feet while working in your home
Our experts wear gloves for hands and feet while working in your home
Special protective suits for our staff wears
Providing customers with paperless transactions
Professionals wear custom gloves when we come to serve you.
Orkida Pest Control is rated by 4.8 based on 40 reviews as of November 2021.
Customer ReviewsSolving the pest problem is our first priority. If further treatment is required, we will provide services immediately free of charge. If you are not satisfied, we guarantee a 100% full service fee refund.
Our mission is to protect, enhance and defend our image with each client by providing a comprehensive and effective pest control service and then exceeding our client’s expectations every step of our way. Orchida aims to provide distinguished services to clients of the highest possible quality, at unbeatable prices because our first and last goal is satisfaction. Our customers and their comfort.
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